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Carmarthenshire County Council is one of the most diverse employers in South West Wales providing a variety of services for the benefit of our community.


Mentrau Iaith Cymru (MIC) is a national organisation that supports a network of 22 Mentrau Iaith across Wales.


The Welsh Government is the devolved Government for Wales. They work to help improve the lives of people in Wales and make Wales a better place in which to live and work.

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Mudiad Meithrin is a voluntary organisation specialising in Welsh-medium early years provisions. They aim to give every young child in Wales the opportunity to benefit from early years services and experiences through the medium of Welsh.

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Cymraeg for kids is a national scheme by the Welsh Government that supports parents to use the Welsh language with their children by choosing Welsh-medium childcare and education. 

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The National Lottery raises money for good causes and individuals or organisations to use this funding to improve lives and communities through various projects including Profi.


Helo Blod is a national project that offers support and assistance to businesses on their use of the Welsh language. This can include free translation, bilingual marketing, recruitment - anything to do with the Welsh language in business.

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Theatr Genedlaethol Cymru creates and presents theatre productions that aim to excite, entertain and spark the imagination of our audiences. They also create opportunities to nurture and inspire the next generation of Welsh-language theatre artists.

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Say Something in Welsh is a course that focuses on helping people learn, understand and speak Welsh. They have a variety of resources are available to support learners and they also organize boot-camps to enable people to come together to practice and use their Welsh.

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Newcastle Emlyn Food Festival is a voluntary committee that brings the community together every year. The event gives new and local businesses the opportunity to showcase their produce to over 3,000 visitors.


The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol works with universities across Wales to develop Welsh language medium opportunities for students. It funds Welsh medium lecturers and offers undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships for students to study higher education courses through the medium of Welsh.

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Big Ideas Wales supports and inspires the next generation of entrepreneurs in Wales and encourages young people under 25 to develop enterprise skills whatever their career choice.

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Hywel Dda’s Garden and Heritage Centre at Whitland celebrates the achievements of Hywel Dda, King of all Wales during the first half of the tenth century. It’s a beautiful place to linger and enjoy the beauty of the gardens whilst also picking up new and exciting information on the King's history.

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Volunteering Wales are a network of support organisations for the whole of the third sector in Wales. They work with the Welsh Government and other public bodies to maximize the potential of volunteering in Wales.

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The Powerhouse is a community and arts centre based in Llandysul. Their vision is to develop a creative space for an alternative curriculum, to give everybody in the community the opportunity to have access to learning and social inclusion covering and including the needs of all.


These community Newspapers exist all over Wales and we work closely with our local papers including Y Garthen , Cwlwm, Y Cardi Bach and Clonc.

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Tir Coed is a charity that engages people with woodlands through volunteering, training and bespoke activities that increase well-being, develop skills and improve woodlands for the benefit of everyone.

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Dyfed-Powys Police safeguards people living, working and visiting the Counties of Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion, Pembrokeshire and Powys with the aim of creating safer communities.

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Careers Wales can help you to plan your career, prepare to get a job and find and apply for the right apprenticeships, courses and training.

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Carmarthen Breakthro’ is a small, independent charity that provides leisure, social and fun activities for children, aged 4 –18, with additional needs and/or a physical disability who live in and around the Carmarthen area.


Futureworks specialises in employment and skills services, tackling unemployment and promoting social mobility.

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A range of Learn Welsh courses are held in communities across Wales, during the daytime and evenings. Courses are delivered by a network of providers on behalf of the National Centre for Learning Welsh. 

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Ceredigion County Council is a unitary authority created in 1996 and irresponsible for environmental health, housing, planning, schools, recreational facilities, economic development, and more.

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The University of Wales Trinity Saint David has three main campuses in South West Wales as well as a campus in London and learning centres in Cardiff and Birmingham. They offer a wide range of academic and professional programs at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level.

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The Regional Learning and Skills Partnership work to drive investment in skills by developing responses based upon local and regional need. They strive to work across the region bridging the gap between education and regeneration in the hope of creating a strong and vibrant economy underpinned by innovation, growth and a capable workforce.


Merched y Wawr is an organisation with over 280 branches and clubs all over Wales that does all sorts of things! Cooking, crafts, dining, travel, sports, lectures, helping charities, singing, quizzes and much more. The main aim of the movement is to campaign for the rights of the Welsh language and the rights of women.

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The National Training Federation for Wales is a membership organisation of over 100 organisations involved in the delivery of learning in the workplace. It is a Wales-wide representative body for all those organisations or individuals involved in the training industry.

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The Atom is a Welsh community centre, home to Menter Iaith Gorllewin Sir Gâr, Mudiad Meithrin Myrddin and other companies. You can hire a conference room, visit the cafe, join a variety of Welsh language lessons, join group 'Ti a Fi' for toddlers and parents and call by anytime to practice your Welsh!  

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Menter Dinefwr is one of three Menter Iaith initiatives in Carmarthenshire working to promote the use of the Welsh language in all aspects of life. 

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Cered is another Menter Iaith located in Ceredigion which supports, influences and develops the use of the Welsh language. Their aim is to establish the best possible foundation for the development of the language in the society and community, in education and the workplace.

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The National Wool Museum is located in Drefach Felindre and is free for the public to visit and learn more about the history of the industry. A variety of events are also held to bring the community together.


YFC Wales is a dynamic and accessible bilingual rural youth organisation that helps and supports young people to become successful farmers, confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. Over 5,000 young people aged between 10 and 26 years are currently members of the organisation.

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‘Meddwl’ is the Welsh word for both ‘mind’ and ‘thought’ and is a website providing a space to learn about different mental health conditions and to find support and information on where to obtain further assistance – all through the medium of Welsh.

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Menter Cwm Gwendraeth aims to promote and extend the use of the Welsh language at a community level. Since 1998 they have been working strategically in a variety of areas ensuring the Welsh language is prominent in the development of each project.

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The Department for Work and Pensions are responsible for welfare, pensions and child maintenance policy. As the UK’s biggest public service department it administers the State Pension and a range of benefits to around 20 million claimants and customers.

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Actif Carmarthenshire offers a range of sport and fitness activities across Carmarthenshire, 7 days a week to make exercise a part of people's everyday lives. Head over to their website to find the latest range of activities available in your area. 

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The Egin is a brand new creative and digital centre based on the University of Wales Trinity Saint David campus in Carmarthen. It exists to spark creative imagination and nurture future talent in Wales.


Urdd Gobaith Cymru was established in 1922 to give children and young people the opportunity to learn and socialise through the medium of Welsh. Today the Urdd has over 50,000 members between the ages of 8 and 25.

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The art school is part of Coleg Sir Gâr and is known for its inclusive culture and open-door policy across departments. They give creative individuals the opportunity to enrich and develop their skills through a variety of courses from entry-level to graduate level.

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The Linc Scheme is a rural transport initiative operating in west Wales. They connect rural communities with the main bus services and the rail network, making a valuable contribution to rural life, health and the local economy.

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Pembrokeshire's language initiative aims to promote the Welsh language within the county through a variety of projects and events according to the needs of the community.

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Coleg Sir Gâr covers the Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion areas and offers a wide range of Further Education, Higher Education, Work-based Learning and commercial courses from entry through to degree level in a variety of academic and vocational disciplines.

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Hywel Dda University Health Board provides healthcare services to a population of around 384,000 across Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire.


CAVS is an independent charity working to strengthen and empower organisations
Carmarthenshire. They provide guidance, help and support to community organisations and groups, enabling them to be sustainable and effective.


CAVO promotes and supports voluntary community action throughout Ceredigion. By working closely with organisations across the county, they are able to provide a service to individuals who are interested in volunteering, and to organisations, which involve volunteers in their work.

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The Carmarthen Journal is the best-read newspaper in its circulation area, serving the Carmarthenshire community for over 200 years. Menter Gorllewin Sir Gar are responsible for the content on the Welsh page.

Copyright © 2021 Menter Gorllewin Sir Gâr All rights reserved.

Registered Address: MGSG, 1st Hand CCF Ltd, Bridge Street, Newcastle Emlyn, Carmarthenshire, SA389DX. Registered Charity Number: 1147184 Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in Wales. Number 05981013.

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